There was always an air of sisterhood that accompanied borrowing clothes; sharing pieces and extending outfit mileage to cover not just my own but my siblings’ and friends’ meant building a shared history of the outfitted kind. “Would this medium top look good on me as much as it does on my mom? Will this dress possibly be something a friend could rock at a wedding and look bomb diggity in?”

This collection is meant as a garmented ode to the many personal styles that have influenced my own and the incredible savvy of my personal sartorial gods into constantly reimagining ways of wearing a simple button-down shirt. Here, the lovely ladies of The Shape Shop and I offer 12 pieces for everyone to play around and go crazy with.

It’s also lastly my love letter to the women I’ve had the pleasure of dancing (and eating) with, the continuous celebration of their strength by the fathers, brothers, and husbands in our constellation of a family, and an aspiring footnote to outfit the many women who always go the mad lengths for themselves and their loved ones.



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